See What God Grows
Katie Gonzalez | April 25, 2022

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.
1 Corinthians 3:6-9
Celebration of Hope is about getting a glimpse of how vast and powerful our God is. We see the ways He is moving all around the world, and then we are invited to respond with open hands to what He is calling each one of us to do.
Today’s passage helps us approach serving God with the right posture and perspective. Paul explains that God used him and Apollos to bring the people of Corinth to faith, and yet, they are not the focus. Paul uses a metaphor to explain that we, as servants of God, can plant seeds and be used by God in big ways. But, God makes everything grow and produce fruit. Without Him, the work they did would not have grown and flourished.
Willow’s partner in Cambodia serves communities where less than two percent of people are Christians. Our partners live out today’s scripture beautifully by the way they trust and depend on God to grow the seeds of faith they are planting. They focus on providing education and support to vulnerable children to help each one see that they are loved by God. The classes they provide impact children and their families. Families who have come to know Jesus and are connected to the local church. Our partners are faithfully serving God, and He is bringing hope and change to these communities.
Willow has been able to support our friends in Cambodia as they faithfully listen to God’s leading. We may never know the full impact of our partnership, but we can trust that God will grow it. All we have to do is listen for what He is calling us to.
Whether we serve in Cambodia or in Chicagoland, this passage unites us as we trust that God is in control. We are called to be part of His plans to carry out the love of Jesus. Ultimately, our attitude should be of complete dependence and humility, knowing that God is the One Who makes all things grow.
Next Steps
- Each family who receives seeds will be able to grow up to 750 pounds of vegetables, which can provide nourishment or be sold for income. Learn more about what we can do to help our partners on the Celebration of Hope webpage.