Link to the Serving Nine to Five post

Serving Nine to Five

Work has a bad rap. We grudgingly put in our time so that we can collect at the end of the week or month.
Link to the The Good Life post

The Good Life

When we get honest, sometimes going through the motions at work can feel futile.
Link to the Be a Blessing post

Be a Blessing

When signing off from her morning message and prayer, Robin Roberts says, “Have a blessed day, and be a blessing.”
Link to the Reverse Your Welcome Mat post

Reverse Your Welcome Mat

Walk up to most homes, and you’ll find a welcome mat at the foot of the front door. Some have the words “Welcome” in large letters.
Link to the Dirty Baseboards post

Dirty Baseboards

I love the story of Jesus’ first miracle where He turned water into wine. Wine is an important part of the Jewish wedding tradition.
Link to the He Knocks post

He Knocks

When I was in third grade, my mom got it in her head that we needed to move to a bigger house. My sisters and I had seen the house because it was the talk of the neighborhood
Link to the He Hasn’t Forgotten post

He Hasn’t Forgotten

“The doctor will be right in.” When you hear these words, do you sit on the edge of your vinyl chair staring at the door, just knowing it will open any minute?
Link to the When God’s Plan isn’t Mine post

When God’s Plan isn’t Mine

My plan: Three kids, two years apart.  Our first baby came right on schedule, so when the time came to get pregnant with our second, we thought we were in control.