Link to the What Will Heaven Be Like? post

What Will Heaven Be Like?

Have you ever thought about heaven? Not just wondered vaguely if it's pretty and perfect, but really considered: what will heaven be like? Will I meet God? Will He be sat on a throne? Are the streets...
Link to the Is There Life After Death? post

Is There Life After Death?

For as long as mankind has existed, people have asked the question: Is there life after death? While answers vary based on beliefs, Christians would say “yes!” The Bible gives us examples that...
Link to the What Does Heaven Look Like? post

What Does Heaven Look Like?

As we think about Heaven and the afterlife, we probably all wonder at some point, "What does Heaven look like," right? Is it all fluffy white clouds and angels, golden roads and pearly gates? Well,...
Link to the Where is Heaven? post

Where is Heaven?

When you think about Heaven, where do you picture it? We often talk about Heaven as being 'the Heavens' or in the sky above us. Is the real Heaven right above our heads? Click to find out!
Link to the Will We Keep Our Own Identities in Heaven? post

Will We Keep Our Own Identities in Heaven?

You will be you in Heaven. Who else would you be? If Bob, a man on Earth, is no longer Bob when he gets to Heaven, then, in fact, Bob did not go to Heaven. If when I arrive in Heaven I’m not the...
Link to the A Great Prayer To Accept Jesus post

A Great Prayer To Accept Jesus

Wondering how to declare your life for Jesus? Here is a great prayer to accept Jesus, based on the Bible verse John 3:16.
Link to the Bible Verses About Heaven post

Bible Verses About Heaven

What do you picture Heaven to look or be like? Do you wonder which Bible verses talk about Heaven and what they have to say about it? God gives us a lot of guidance on what to expect in the real...
Link to the What Does Psalm 19 Say About Heaven? post

What Does Psalm 19 Say About Heaven?

Psalm 19 says a lot about Heaven! Psalm 19:1 begins by telling us what the “heavens declare.” They declare “the glory of God.” This can be taken literally or figuratively. God created...