My human curiosity wants to know what happened in that field right before Abel’s death. God speaks directly to Cain. Cain invites his brother to the field. Abel appears to go willingly. Then,...
There is a scene in the television series, “The Chosen” where Jesus and His disciples are traveling along a dusty road. They are approached by Roman soldiers, and within minutes, they drop their...
There are so many things that provoke anger in us, and they seem to be increasing. Over-busy schedules, demanding work, noncompliant children, endless manipulative news cycles designed to anger and...
We all know a difficult person we desperately wish would change. It is tempting to think our lives would be better if they would just behave differently. So, we try to control them with shame, blame,...
I went to bed one night years ago feeling very uneasy. I barely slept, and my fear was realized when I woke in the morning. I opened the app on my phone and read the contents of a review of me by a...
It’s easy to join in with someone who is angry. Opting to vent and commiserate with them certainly does this. But you don’t have to actively take their side or say anything to add fuel to the...
When I was eight years old, I was playing frisbee with my neighbor in her front yard a few doors down from my home. We were messing around, and I had a fit of giggles and did not pay attention to...
I am a bit of a Pollyanna so to “give thanks in all circumstances” might be easier for me than for others. Even still, it is something I have to intentionally choose. One way I do this is through...
If there is one way I can relate to Paul in today’s passage, it is the way he is speaking to himself. It’s embarrassing to admit how many times a day I catch myself acting or speaking negatively...