Dig it Up
Chris Hahn, Executive Pastor of Ministries | August 1, 2023

Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame; you will be destroyed forever.
Obadiah 10
I am not an over-zealous yard person, but I like green grass. My neighbor seems to enjoy dandelions! OK, so they don’t really LIKE dandelions, but they are not over-zealous about getting rid of them. Every Spring, more dandies pop up, yielding a white yard. With a little wind, those little fuzzy helicopter pappus will take flight and land in my yard one day, becoming full-on dandies. It’s a battle to protect my soil from the destructive weeds that seek to overtake my lush green grass!
Weeds are destructive to a lawn’s health. Their roots steal the nutrients that grass needs to be healthy, compromising the soil. Unfortunately, the same is true for us when we allow some ‘weeds of the soul’ to grow within us. In Genesis 27:41, we learn, according to scholars, how the root of division grew into the battle between Edom and Israel. “Esau held a grudge against Jacob because of the blessing his father had given him.” Esau said, ” Then I will kill my brother Jacob.” Though Jacob made restitution to Esau, and he accepted it, the brothers went their separate ways. The root of division that took hold that day would be seen for generations.
For some of us, we don’t have to think very hard to see where some of our family relationships have been broken. There was an offense, reconciliation was not pursued, and now we are separated, weeds growing beneath our feet, separated from those with whom we are supposed to be united. There may be significant offenses that have occurred which have damaged us significantly. These wrongs should be addressed and navigated appropriately. But when we hold a grudge without navigating a path to forgiveness and reconciliation, we allow a root of bitterness to grow, which neglects God’s grace in our lives. Hebrews 12:15 says, “See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”
Are there some weeds and roots that you need to dig up today? When left unattended, the impact can be felt for generations. But when addressed, the example of grace and restoration can be a lesson learned for generations.
Next Steps
Write down your feelings about your family relationships. Are there any unhealthy roots growing in the soil of your soul? If so, ask a trusted friend or counselor to help you address them so that your relationships will be as healthy as a lush green lawn.