Link to the Forgiven post


As I reflect on Paul’s plea to Philemon, I find it touching how Paul is willing to ask Philemon to forgive Onesimus’ wrongdoings.
Link to the Called and Secure post

Called and Secure

As a young child, I remember how impossible it was for my mother to keep a watchful eye on all of us.
Link to the Boxed In post

Boxed In

There are two ways of trivializing grace. The first is what Jude warned against—using grace as a license to sin.
Link to the Morning Watch post

Morning Watch

If I could have a title for my life, it would be: Everything I Learned about Life I Learned at Church Camp. 
Link to the Church Hurt post

Church Hurt

Jude 14-16 is about false teachers in the church who, corrupted by power, pride, and greed, are out to raise themselves—instead of God—above all.
Link to the Christians Behaving Badly post

Christians Behaving Badly

In a world where contentiousness runs high, being “right” seems to be the most important thing. It shows up everywhere—in my morning podcasts, on social media, even in the supposed witticism of...