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Whether you are in the corporate setting, business owner or stay-at-home mom, you influence others. Leadership is not about position. Do you want to sharpen your leadership skills in your home or workplace while connecting with like-minded professional women? At this bi-weekly transformational experience, you will learn how to integrate your faith, work and relationships. The goal of these sessions is to build a community of professional Christian women through ever, deepening redemptive relationships and to connect, lead and support you in your leadership journey, whatever that looks like.

SERIES: LEADERSHIP LESSONS from the Life of Ester, Elijah & Nehemiah

This series will be a straightforward spiritual approach to the role of leadership. In a world that has lost its way and lacks godly, balanced leaders, we are more than ever in need of a few Esther's, Elijah's and Nehemiah's women who are not afraid to live courageously among their peers as they walk humbly with their God.

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