Receive support on your employment search

We offer a variety of services to help you find employment including one-on-one counseling, classes, and additional resources.
Hours & Contact: Thursdays 10 a.m.–12 p.m. & 6:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. in-person or virtually by appointment in the Care Center.

Employers in the Market Plaza

During Care Center open hours, we host employers in the Market Plaza. It’s not uncommon to have four or eight employers stop by a week! This is a great way to meet and learn about local employers and positions in the area. Here’s who is coming:

Care Center

Looking for additional assistance? The Willow Creek Care Center is committed to offering services that help meet immediate needs as well as services that help build toward a more sustainable future for individuals and families in the Chicagoland area.