Link to the <strong>Why Serving is Good for your Mental Health</strong> post

Why Serving is Good for your Mental Health

We know that others benefit when you volunteer, but did you know you could, too? According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), volunteering can help you reduce stress, increase...
Link to the Three Tips to Move Through Depression post

Three Tips to Move Through Depression

Depression, whether chemical, seasonal, or situational, can keep you from enjoying the fullness of life. Thankfully, hope is possible. According to the National Mental Health Association, more than...
Link to the The life-giving joy of getting involved post

The life-giving joy of getting involved

I enjoy exercising. I have exercised regularly for years. I feel better when I exercise. I’m happier; I’m not as anxious; I am more alert and awake to do the other things I love.  We know...
Link to the A Whole Different Sound post

A Whole Different Sound

What would it look like if we chose to live counter to the social norms and we went out of our way to live mercy as Jesus did?
Link to the The “Be Attitudes” post

The “Be Attitudes”

Kingdom values require vulnerability which feels like weakness but actually requires strength and courage.
Link to the We’re Not Alone post

We’re Not Alone

Sometimes, extending mercy takes practice. On our own, giving mercy is impossible to do. The beauty is we don’t have to do it alone
Link to the The Arms of Mercy post

The Arms of Mercy

Our God is a loving and merciful Father. There is no offense too great for Jesus to cover. In his rich mercy, He will always swoop us up and hold us away from the punishment–seeking accuser.
Link to the The Source of Mercy post

The Source of Mercy

Mercy is not contingent upon our goodness or lack thereof. The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).
Link to the No Justice, No Peace post

No Justice, No Peace

As God’s people on earth today, God also calls us to seek shalom in the world today, to strive for and create a flourishing society.