He is My Peace

Kathryn Tack, Volunteer Writer, South Barrington | October 23, 2023

“For to us a child is born to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  
Isaiah 9:6

For He himself is our peace, Who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.  
Ephesians 2:14

Peace. Where do you look for it?   

Growing up in the big city of Detroit, peace was hard to find. Added to that, growing up in a large family, where could I find peace? I wanted to be seen and heard, but no one had time to listen to my stories every night around the table. They had their own dreams and heartaches to speak of.

For me to find peace, believe it or not, there were days that I actually climbed a telephone pole. This pole was right next to our garage. I would climb it, and once I was high enough, I would jump to the roof of the garage where I would sit, accompanied by my best friend, Vicky, my dog, who I pulled up in a basket.  Don’t laugh. There was no place like it. The roof was flat, and Vicky loved the sights and sounds that she could see from up high. In my little girl mind, I thought I could get closer to God to shout my dreams and frustrations. There on that roof, I spoke loud and clear to the One I knew would listen.  

As I matured, I realized that this barrier I felt of not finding peace was my own sin. Thankfully, Jesus bridged the gap for me to get near to God through His death on the cross.  Through Christ, I can now live a life full of peace, regardless of what I am facing or where I am. I know I don’t have to climb a pole to draw near to be heard or seen. He doesn’t merely give me peace. He is my peace. Peace is a person who has a name. His name is Jesus.

I still live in a big city, contrary to my sisters, who wouldn’t live in the city if their lives depended on it.  But I love it here. I find people looking for peace in all the wrong places….even up on roofs. So, I meet them there, where I am hopeful to spread the gospel of peace into their families, workplaces, and neighborhoods. I pray His peace will infect their very lives.

Next Steps   

We will experience uncertainty, turmoil, difficulty and hardship. Yet Jesus promises that we can live a life of peace, regardless of what we may face. Maybe you have been looking for peace in all the wrong places. Where is the peace you are looking for? It is found in Jesus Christ, who broke down all the barriers needed for peace.

During this week:

  1. Ponder: There is no peace outside of Jesus! Have you come to Him? It’s never too late.
  2. Pray:  “All glory be to your name, Jesus, for the peace you have given to all who will receive you. We pray for an experience of your peace and that you be our Peace. Amen.”