Kathryn Tack, Volunteer Writer, South Barrington | October 12, 2023

We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way; in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work; sleepless nights and hunger; in purity; understanding; patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love.
2 Corinthians 6:3-6
I know most certainly that I want to be a godly leader driven to make certain that others may see Jesus in my actions so that my actions might help lead them to Christ at the appropriate time.
I also know that in the hustle of each day, I can offend others by what I say, the things that I do, text, post, snap, etc! I realize that I am not Paul, but as a follower of Christ, is there evidence from my life to show that is true? What offenses are in my life that would contradict that? People are not watching me only when things are good or when I have an opportunity to share my faith, they are also watching how I react when things go wrong. When there is a loss in my family, a diagnosis, or when I make a mistake. I know many times I have failed miserably. Even with all the grace Jesus gives me, I feel strongly that because I claim His name and profess to be a Christian, I want to act like it.
I have never experienced the kind of trouble Paul is talking about here in this passage, and I hope I never do. I believe that no matter my trials or difficulties, God, in His kindness, is inviting me to respond like Christ in the things that I do and say—with pure kindness. Maybe even asking myself, “What would Jesus have me do? Are my actions making others stumble?” Actions do speak louder than words. “Help me, Lord, to endure, especially during hard times, so that I am never a stumbling block for others in believing in You.”
God is calling us to seek to live a holy life with faithful endurance. If we are truly ambassadors for Christ, our lives will represent the King Who has called us to serve Him.
Next Steps
Are you willing to commit to living a life of faithful endurance, modeling Christ, especially during the hard times? Pray that God will give you the strength to do just that.