You Are A Masterpiece

Jennifer Grabianski | January 3, 2022

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

The holiday season can be a beautiful time of celebration and connection. However, it can also be unsettling—a time when we review the past year and ask ourselves some difficult questions. What did I accomplish last year? What didn’t I accomplish? Will 2022 be filled with new goals and opportunities? Will I succeed or fail? Do my family and friends think I’m good enough? Am I enough?

These questions have the potential to fill me with guilt or shame. That’s why I’m starting a new tradition this year. I’m setting aside time to remind myself Whose I am. 

One of my favorite verses is Ephesians 2:10 because it describes how God sees me—how He sees each one of us.

We are His Masterpiece. Like a precious work of art, an antique heirloom, or a meaningful photograph, He treasures us and sees immense value in us. And, just as we intentionally protect, preserve, and display our treasures, our loving God does the same with us. 

He created us ANEW. When we choose to follow Jesus, He gives us new life, offering us the chance to turn away from our unhealthy choices and decide instead to live in His perfect power and love. He doesn’t see our sin but rather our potential—the people we can be and the things we can accomplish when we partner with Him.

Long ago, He planned GOOD THINGS for us to do. And He wants us to take action—to walk in them! Because he created each of us uniquely, we get to shine for Him in our own, special way. When we do that, we come alive.

I know I won’t always feel like a masterpiece. That’s why I need to stay connected to God’s Word and a community of believers who will remind me of His truth. 

Next Steps

  • Meditate on Ephesians 2:10. Who did God create you to be? (Listen to Danny Gokey’s song, “Masterpiece,” or read the lyrics as you meditate.)
  • If you aren’t in the habit of connecting with God and others who love Him, consider setting a specific goal for 2022. It might include attending church in person every week, dedicating 5–10 minutes daily to talk with God and read the Bible, or joining a group in February when Willow kicks off our new season of intentional connection.