Especially Fond Of You
Kristyn Berry, Volunteer Writer, Crystal Lake | February 4, 2025

If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Matthew 5:46-48
As I reflect on today’s verse, one of my favorite books comes to mind. The Shack by William Paul Young follows Mackenzie “Mack” Allen Phillip, who grapples with his faith after a family tragedy. For the next four years, he watches his family crumble, and he is unable to find a way to cope amidst his incredible sadness. One day, he gets a note from God to meet him in a shack deep in the wilderness. Against his better judgment, he goes and is transported to another cabin in the woods where God (called Papa), Jesus and Sarayu take him in and reveal they are the Holy Trinity. They take Mack on an unforgettable journey, reintroducing him to the facets of faith he had been resisting.
Papa (God) and Mack have many fruitful and memorable conversations while Papa is crafting masterpieces that will be created by current and future generations. For me, the most impactful conversation in this book is when Mack questions why Papa says, “I’m especially fond of them,” every time a person is mentioned. Mack asks, “Is there anyone you aren’t fond of?” Papa says, “Nope, I haven’t been able to find any. I guess that’s just the way it is.”
This conversation gave me pause. God is especially fond of each person on this Earth. That means He is especially fond of each person I interact with and He is especially fond of me. If we are made in God’s image, and God is especially fond of everyone, whether they are like me or not, good or bad, then what would happen if I embraced a similar posture?
For the next few days, I set out to see people using this perspective. In each interaction, whether I knew the person or not, I would think God is especially fond of them. God is interested in their heart and knows the lens through which they are seeing things. God will meet this person where they are, and so should I. What came from this experiment completely changed my approach toward people and my conversations. The quality of my conversations improved, and I took things less personally. I was more conscious of the lens they were looking through and approached people with curiosity and less judgment. God loves us, one and all, no matter what we have done, will do, or plan to do. God’s intention is for us to follow His perfect plan and meet each other where we are with love and compassion.
Next Steps:
As you are walking with Jesus today, remind yourself that each person you see is made in God’s image, just like you. How does this change the way you approach both your loved ones and friends you haven’t yet met?