Dealing with Conflict Far Away
Liz Schauer | January 21, 2025

Our world is plagued with crises and conflict. Regardless of where you find your news—or who shares updates with you—you are likely met with headlines and stories of strife and tragedy. Southern California is burning; Ukraine has been under fire for years; Israel and Hamas might finally reach a ceasefire; people are fleeing Venezuela, Sudan, and Chad; climates are changing; and prices are rising.
Does it cause you to freeze? Or drive you to distraction?
In John 16, Jesus is preparing His followers for what’s to come…and it’s not easy waters. He says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (v33)
At first glance, it doesn’t appear that the troubles are ceasing. How do we take heart?
If you jump up a few verses, Jesus says He is leaving the earth and promises it is a good thing. Why? Because He will send help: an Advocate, a Helper, the Spirit of Truth—the Holy Spirit. And this Spirit dwells in His people. And therein lies the hope.
When the world feels like it’s burning (or actually is), Jesus points to His people filled with His Spirit to be the answer. Don’t avoid the global conflict, hoping it will go away if you close your eyes long enough. Instead, pray, discern, and act.
Pray for guidance
The truth is, you cannot solve all the world’s issues on your own—and you were never created to. The beauty of the diversity of the people of God is that He has given each person unique passions and gifts to be used for His purposes. When you aren’t sure what to do, start with prayer.
It can be as simple as: Dear Jesus, our world is broken and hurting. Forgive me for the ways I try to avoid it. Open my eyes to see people the way You do. Fill me with Your Spirit, and allow Him to guide me to what You would have me do.
Discern your next step
Imagine if everyone in our church cared about ensuring people had access to clean water. We could, without a doubt, make a tremendous impact in the world, digging thousands of wells and lowering the risk of water-born illness. But what about education? Trafficking? Violence?
You cannot do everything, but you can do something. Reflect on the stories that break your heart most—maybe that’s your area of focus. Trust that, as you lean into what God would have you do, He is cultivating passions in others for other causes.
Here’s another prayer you can pray: Dear Jesus, my heart breaks for ____. Please give me opportunities to learn and play a part in alleviating this. Use my life to make a difference in the lives of others. Guide me and allow me to trust You are guiding others, too!
Take action
Once you know what global cause you’re passionate about, then do something about it! Willow has partnerships around the world that are fighting poverty and injustice. You can explore going on a trip, learning about our partners, or giving money to Celebration of Hope.
Whether it’s through your words and advocacy, or actions and generosity, God can use you to make a difference in the conflict far from you. The first step is simply opening your eyes and your heart.