Loaves And Fishes
Mary Olsen, Volunteer Writer, South Barrington | September 13, 2024

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:4-5
The world’s problems can feel enormous, overwhelming, and complex. Does the sheer magnitude move you to throw up your hands, immobilized? Issues of Jesus’ time were massive, intense, and complicated too. Jesus could have solved them all with a word. He didn’t.
If we are to model our lives after Jesus, then we need to remember how he interacted with the world. Most frequently, we read about individual interactions like the woman at the well who Jesus directed to go tell her friends and neighbors, or, the demon-possessed man who was healed and Jesus instructed to “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you…” (Mark 5:1-20). Modern technology has initiated a global community, but we still reach it one person at a time.
Some people have the capacity to institute massive reform—that is not me. I don’t give impactful dollar amounts like the wealthy philanthropists, nor deliver ground-breaking messages for the masses. What does my little bit help? How did the little boy who gave his loaves and fishes to Jesus help? His tiny contribution in the Master’s hands fed thousands.
As I try to stay connected to the vine and obey the Holy Spirit’s prompting, I pray, “Lord, I am doing so very little, and this task you gave me seems so trivial. I’m trusting that in your hands it will be magnified like the loaves and fishes.”
I learned this as a high school student. I made a bunch of ornaments that didn’t sell at the little craft fair, so I mailed them out to several people with a personal note. One of my mom’s closest friends said it arrived on the day she was deeply grieving her husband’s death. This little gift brought a smile to her face and made her feel remembered and loved. I was startled by this response because I was getting rid of unwanted items I didn’t want to throw away. The time spent making them and the result of them being leftover served a much greater good. Isn’t that just like our God? He uses what we have and gives us gentle lessons along the way.
Next Steps
Ask God to direct your steps. Perhaps He is calling you to significant initiatives, but it might be one person or one interaction. He is seeking your obedience and your connection to the vine. Remember: He did not ask you to fix the world; just step into your part.